Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's been awhile

My deepest apologies to those of you anxiously awaiting an update (sorry Danielle and Kristine and employees at Stryker!)

Let's start with Christmas. Lilly really didn't know what to make if it, still a little young. But she seemed to enjoy it. Santa was very good to her, bringing her Tom and Jerry DVD's (She LOVES Tom and Jerry!) and new fuzzy monkey pajamas. She got a toy chest and lots of nice toys and videos from family.

Next came introducing her to solid food. She took to the cereal very well, so then we moved on to fruits and veggies. We started out with green beans...her reaction was priceless! She didn't like them at first, but now she loves them!

We found out that Lilly is fascinated with the dimming and turning down of lights. We found this out when we turned the lights off to sing Happy Birthday to her cousin Andrew. Aunt Danielle was able to capture the look on camera!

And finally, she has become quite fond of her jumpee! Enjoy the pics and I promise to try to update this page more often!

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