Friday, May 15, 2009

The latest from Lilly

I have been a very busy girl! I celebrated Easter two times, one weekend with my Daddy's side of the family and then the week after on Greek Easter with my mommy's side of the family. It was great, because I got to wear my pretty Easter dress TWICE!

And here's me impersonating the Easter Bunny!

And then there was my first big weekend of the Red Sox vs. the Yankees. The Yankees got spanked, but I enjoyed rooting for them anyway!

This picture pretty much sums up how the weekend went.

Next it was off to go see my great Grandma Helen. I love this picture because it shows all 4 generations.

I love my Zsa Zsa!

Here I am just being silly...but the bib I have on is so true!

We had the first nice day of the year so I decided to sit out on the deck with my friend Jamie.

And finally I am following in my mommy's footsteps and using my crib railing as a chew toy!

And I'll leave you with some random shots. See you later!

My first ice cream!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lot's of firsts going on!

So this has been quite the month! Lilly is growing so fast it's hard to believe she's almost 7 months old already! Where does the time go?

We had some friends over for dinner and Lilly decided she wanted some of what Marc and Sarah were drinking! Here is "Lilly's first beer!" (Take it easy all of you ready to call DCF, she never drank it!)

Lilly's biggest accomplishment lately is being able to sit up unassisted. She is so proud of herself! These pictures are the actual first time she stayed up on her own with no assistance for a long period of time. Now she loves to sit in her pack and play and play with her toys. (Mom and Dad love this too!!!)

And finally Lilly has introduced herself to the computer. She loves to play on the keys! She even gets agitated when we pull her away...

That's all for now...see you soon!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's been awhile

My deepest apologies to those of you anxiously awaiting an update (sorry Danielle and Kristine and employees at Stryker!)

Let's start with Christmas. Lilly really didn't know what to make if it, still a little young. But she seemed to enjoy it. Santa was very good to her, bringing her Tom and Jerry DVD's (She LOVES Tom and Jerry!) and new fuzzy monkey pajamas. She got a toy chest and lots of nice toys and videos from family.

Next came introducing her to solid food. She took to the cereal very well, so then we moved on to fruits and veggies. We started out with green beans...her reaction was priceless! She didn't like them at first, but now she loves them!

We found out that Lilly is fascinated with the dimming and turning down of lights. We found this out when we turned the lights off to sing Happy Birthday to her cousin Andrew. Aunt Danielle was able to capture the look on camera!

And finally, she has become quite fond of her jumpee! Enjoy the pics and I promise to try to update this page more often!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

She's growing so fast...

It's hard to believe that Lilly is almost 4 months old now. It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home for the first time. Looking back at her early photos and comparing them to the ones of her now, it's unbelievable how quickly she's grown. Other than "talking" more and smiling more, not much more to report on. Our biggest YEAH is that she is now consistently sleeping 8-10 hours through the night. Yes, I know, we are SOOOOOO lucky! I just hope it stays this way, they say it can go back to waking up once or twice through the night, especially during teething. (which is in it's early stages...lots of drool!) But here are some recent pics for you to enjoy.

Daddy and his little girl

Ready to get the Xmas tree!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lilly's First Overnight Trip

This past weekend we took our first overnight trip with Lilly to New Jersey to attend my cousin Kristine's (alleged) surprise 30th birthday party. We made a stop at my cousin Chris' house in Fanwood first to see him, Diane and their kids Nick and Alex since they live only an hour away from Kristine. Then we headed to Kristine's house in Pompton Lakes to meet her husband Dan to get ready and go to the party. Lilly thoroughly enjoyed her first birthday party (as did her parents!) and was greeted by many friendly guests who commented on how good she was. Of course there had to be at least one snag - Lilly saved up a "special diaper" all day until she was at the hotel, a few minutes before Kristine was due to arrive, and in her first dress and pair of tights! Fortunately I was on the lookout and caught it before things got too messy. Lilly especially loved Kristine's special birthday cake!

As far as sleeping over at Kristine and Dan's, she had a little bit of a hard time adjusting to a new place and different sleeping arrangements. (as did her father! She hasn't been in the same room with us since she left the bassinet at 1.5 weeks old!) I don't think she was very comfortable in her travel bed - she was very restless and got up twice during the night. The car ride home was quiet, but then when we got home she was very overtired and cried for an hour straight...our first serious meltdown when equally exhausted Mike and I looked at each other and said "What the heck do we do now?" I know it's normal for kids to do that, but this was our first time with it. (For all you parents whose kids do this alot and you're laughing at us - don't worry, we know we're lucky!) But with a little extra rocking and cuddling from me, she finally calmed down and went to sleep at 8:15pm. (and slept until 6:45am! YES!) She's still a bit cranky today - don't know if it's leftover from this weekend or she's going through something. She's been fussy every since she woke up. I guess time will tell...

Overall it was a great trip!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Craziness Continues

Yeah! Her first smile!

It's been quite awhile since our last post, so many things have been going on. First, Lilly has been struggling with what was first diagnosed as pink eye, but really has been a blocked tear duct for several weeks now. We've been to the doctor's office, but since it's been "sick visits" we see the doctor that is available. I'm not quite buying what we've been told. I've been doing the warm compresses and tear duct massages and it's still not better and it's been over 3 weeks. Thank goodness she has her 2 month appointment with her doctor on Monday, hopefully we can get some real answers!

Lilly's sleeping patterns have been AWESOME! She goes down around 8:30pm, and wakes up at either 4:30 or 6:30am. Occasionally she'll throw me for a loop and wake up at 3:30 or like last night at 1:15, but those are few and far between. Once she went down at 8 and woke up at 7! I am definitely VERY lucky that she sleeps as long as she does. And she does take some shorter naps during the day with one longer one. We always know when she is OUT because her arms are out to her sides...she has some pretty funny sleeping shots.

Lilly's typical sleeping position when she is out cold.

She tends to shift when she she slid down in her Boppy.

Our girl giving the horns...we just about passed out laughing at this one!

I'm fortunate enough that my mom lives close enough and has been generous enough to take Lilly 2 days a week so that I can run some errands and go to the gym during the day (babysitting room age is 12 weeks - 3 more to go!). We finally realized that she and I have been taking all the pictures so there are hardly any recent ones of us with Lilly, so we took care of that!

Lilly's first Halloween. At first we hunted for a costume small enough for her (that wasn't going to break our bank account) and didn't find much. Aunt Renée was nice enough to get Lilly a t-shirt and hat so we dressed her up in that. She was a huge hit at COSTCO that day! But Mike came through and found a Snow White costume at WalMart.